
Total population

Warning: Data for France are available for the total population as well as the civilian population. The period data in the two series differ only for 1914-1920 and 1940-45. The data given here cover the total population including both civilian and military regardless of whether the death occurred abroad. For data covering only the civilian population, click on the link below:

icon Other data series for this country

Complete Data Series

Available dates Age interval × Year interval
1x1 1x5 1x10 5x1 5x5 5x10
Period data
Births 1806 - 2022 1-year
Deaths 1816 - 2022 1x1 1x5 1x10 5x1 5x5 5x10
Deaths by Lexis triangles 1816 - 2022 Lexis
Population size 1816 - 2023 1-year 5-year
Exposure-to-risk 1816 - 2022 1x1 1x5 1x10 5x1 5x5 5x10
Exposure-to-risk by Lexis triangles 1816 - 2022 Lexis
Death Rates 1816 - 2022 1x1 1x5 1x10 5x1 5x5 5x10
Life tables 1816 - 2022
Females 1x1 1x5 1x10 5x1 5x5 5x10
Males 1x1 1x5 1x10 5x1 5x5 5x10
Total (both sexes) 1x1 1x5 1x10 5x1 5x5 5x10
Life expectancy at birth 1816 - 2022 1-year 5-year 10-year
Cohort data
Exposure-to-risk 1737 - 1992 1x1 1x5 1x10 5x1 5x5 5x10
Death Rates 1737 - 1992 1x1 1x5 1x10 5x1 5x5 5x10
Life tables 1816 - 1931
Females 1x1 1x5 1x10 5x1 5x5 5x10
Males 1x1 1x5 1x10 5x1 5x5 5x10
Total (both sexes) 1x1 1x5 1x10 5x1 5x5 5x10
Life expectancy at birth 1816 - 1931 1-year 5-year 10-year

Input Data

Available dates Data Lexis map
Births 1806 - 2022 txt
Births by month Various txt
Deaths 1816 - 2022 txt icon html
Population size 1806 - 2023 txt icon html
Territorial Adjustment Factors   txt  
Notes pdf
Reference file pdf